To support your marketing efforts, you'll need to write various marketing materials. This includes everything from your story, your pitch, an overview of your MLM business, and sales letters. 

We will focus on your story and your pitch. 

Your Story

One of the most essential tools you have at your disposal when building your brand is your story. This is how you became involved in the business, what benefits you've seen, and what makes you passionate about it.


What is an Epiphany? It's simply a story that takes people through the emotional experience that excited you about your present opportunity.

People buy based on emotion. Everyone has a story, something that motivated them to join their company. They have an emotional experience. They then use logic to justify their decision.

To recruit, you must tell your story (epiphany) about how you emotionally fell in love with the product or the opportunity. Prospects will connect with that story, and they will logically convince themselves later.

How do you tell an engaging story?

The first key to telling captivating stories is an oversimplification. You need to speak at about a third-grade level when you're telling stories. What if you must explain a complex idea? Pretend that you are explaining it to a child.

For example, we created a keto diet site and needed to explain what ketones are and what they do. In one email, we stated they were like little cups of coffee flowing through your body that give you energy. Anybody that drinks coffee could relate to and understand this concept.

Always relate complex ideas into easy-to-understand similarities.

The next way to improve your storytelling is to add emotion. First, you must access your own emotions. Then, reach inside and inject emotions into your writing. Remember how your story made you feel. The four basic emotions to start with are sad, bad, mad, or glad.

A good example is Robert Frost in his poem The Road Not Taken. He creates a feeling in just one line. "I shall be telling this with a sigh."

Start by writing about the setting, which is the location you were at when you decided to join your business. Stephen King's novel Revival has an example. "On our right was an old cabin with a mossy, sagging roof and crashed-out windows." This one sentence paints a picture of isolation and abandonment.

If you find writing with emotion difficult, next time you're in a situation that brings up powerful feelings, ask yourself: "What emotion am I feeling right now?" As you reflect on that, think about the last time you felt like that. Think about your senses of touch, taste, sound, sight, and smell. Now, write a story about that time in your life. Write about the details of where you were, who was there, and how you felt.

What was happening in your life before you joined your business opportunity? What was your desire? What did you want to accomplish? Was there something keeping you from realizing your passion?

Had you tried any other way to make money that didn't work?

How did you overcome an obstacle? The obstacle could be something someone told you, something you said yourself, or something that happened. First, describe the obstacle, what might have happened if the obstacle stopped you, and then tell how you overcame it.

  • Did anything funny happen to you?
  • What did it feel like before you made the decision to join?
  • Who gave you the inspiration or idea to join?
  • What was the epiphany that they gave to you? 
  • Where were you when you decided? 
  • What was the emotional experience that caused you to decide to join?
  • Did you create a plan of action? What was it?
  • Did you face any obstacles to your plan of action?
  • What are the benefits you have received because you joined?
  • What external and internal changes have taken place in your life?
  • Why do you believe that your opportunity is excellent?

Additional Tips

  • When sharing your story, be sure to:
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Focus on the key points that resonated with you
  • Avoid sounding like a sales pitch
  • Make it personal and relatable

When to Use Your Story

There are many times when it's appropriate to share your story. Here are a few examples:

  • When speaking with potential recruits
  • At meetings or events
  • In online discussions or forums
  • On social media

Where to Use Your Story

You can use your story in various locations, depending on where your target market is. Here are a few examples:

  • Your Website
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Blogs
  • Webinars

How to Use Your Story

When using your story, keep the following in mind:

  • Share your story with passion and enthusiasm
  • Make it personal and relatable
  • Be transparent and honest
  • Avoid sounding like a sales pitch
  • Answer questions that recruits might have
  • Encourage the reader to take action

When recruiting for your MLM business, the most important thing is to be prepared. By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success and convince potential recruits that your MLM is the right opportunity. Also, remember to use your story to connect with potential recruits and inspire them to take action.

Your Pitch

When you reach out to potential recruits, you need to sell them on yourself first and later your business opportunity. This is called a pitch. A good pitch should be brief, clear, and persuasive. Also, tailor it to your audience.

This is sometimes called an elevator pitch because it should be short enough to deliver in the time it would take to ride an elevator with someone.

When crafting your pitch, keep the following in mind:

  • Your pitch should be about 30 seconds long.
  • Focus on the benefits of joining your business.
  • Keep it simple and to the point.
  • Avoid jargon and technical terms.
  • Tailor your pitch to your audience.

Here's an example of a pitch:

"Hello, my name is _____ and I am a _____. I am passionate about _____ and I believe that _____. I think you would be a great fit for my _____ business because _____.

I would love to chat with you about this opportunity and answer any questions you may have. Would you be interested in learning more?

Thank you for your time!"

In your pitch, you need to answer the following questions.

  • What makes you unique?
  • What are your credentials?
  • What is your offer?
  • What are the benefits of your offer?
  • Why should they take you up on your offer?
  • What are the benefits of joining your MLM business?

Answering these questions will help you create an interesting and convincing pitch.

A well-crafted pitch will help convince potential recruits to join your business. Make sure you know your product inside and out and can answer any questions potential recruits may have.

Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your pitch, the more confident you will be when it comes time to ask for the sale. So, take some time to role play with a friend or family member. The more comfortable you are, the better your results will be.

Action Steps

  1. Identify the critical points of your story that resonated with you.
  2. Create a brief and concise outline of your story.
  3. Write your story.
  4. Practice telling your story so you can share it with passion and enthusiasm.
  5. Use your phone to make a video of your story.
  6. Practice your pitch until you feel confident.
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