follow up with your team after the Meeting to see how things went and what could be improved for next time. This is a great way to ensure that your meetings are always successful and productive.
The next day, send out an email recapping the Meeting and thanking everyone for their participation. Be sure to include any action items that were assigned during the Meeting. This will help keep everyone on track and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.
You may want to invite new team members out to dinner or your house for coffee or a meal. This is a great way to get to know one another and build lasting relationships.
MLM Meetings: Evaluation
Hosting your own MLM meetings is one of the best things you can do as a network marketer. It creates momentum, massive duplication, and growth.
However, It's important to evaluate your meeting honestly. There are a few questions you need to ask yourself to make sure your meetings are productive and successful.
1. Was there a positive and supportive atmosphere?
2. Were things moving along at a brisk pace?
3. Were you prepared for everything?
4. Did everyone have an opportunity to speak?
5. Did you thank everyone for their time and participation?
6. Do your guests know how to reach you if they have any follow-up questions?
7. Did you follow up with your team after the Meeting to see how things went and what could be improved next time?
8. Did you let the presentation drag on for too long?
9. Was there any negativity or arguing?
10. Did everyone follow the Meeting's guidelines? How can you handle it when they don't?
11. Did you let the Meeting turn into a sales pitch? Guests should come away feeling good about the Meeting, not pressured into joining your business.
12. Did everyone have fun? MLM meetings should be enjoyable and productive, not stressful.
Hosting your own MLM meetings is one of the best ways to grow your business and achieve success. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your meetings are productive and informative. Also, stay positive and supportive of one another, and make sure everyone leaves feeling motivated and inspired to take action.
Do you have any thoughts on holding your own MLM meetings? Leave a comment below and let us know.